These policies have been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Gilpin County Public Library. Questions or comments about these or other policy issues may be directed to the Board of Trustees, Gilpin County Public Library, 15131 Hwy 119, Black Hawk, CO 80422
Table of Contents
Circulation Services
Collection Management Policy
Internet Usage Policy
Donations Policy
Handbook of Library Policies
Library Cards:
Rights of Library Patrons:
The Gilpin County Public Library makes its collections and services equally available to every member of the community the library serves, and a person’s right to use the library and its materials and services should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or point-of-view.
Loan Periods:
3-Week Loan Most books, audios, periodicals/magazines, and
pamphlets. DVDs of television series. Limit of three
renewals, if not on hold for another patron.
1-Week Loan Adult and children’s DVD movies and videotapes.
(same renewal policy as other library materials.)
Any library item that is checked out may be placed on reserve/hold at the request of a patron. Cardholders may have up to 20 holds at any one time, including any hold items waiting on the hold shelf for pickup. When the item is returned, it will be held at the desk for 7 days for the patron who placed the request. (Likewise, new books not yet added to the collection, or in process, may be placed on reserve/hold for a patron.)
Borrowing Limitations:
Library patrons may have up to 10 DVDs checked out at a time and up to 20 items in other formats checked out at a time.
Cardholders whose accounts show that they have lost or overdue items outstanding of $5.00 or greater will not be permitted to check out Library materials.
Gilpin County Public Library issues cards to individuals who desire to borrow our materials or access our services. The cards are issued in good faith and cardholders must accept and be bound by the rights and responsibilities outlined in our policies. The Gilpin County Public Library reserves the right to suspend privileges if library policies are abused or violated
GUEST card accounts are available for temporary residents. Borrowing privileges are limited to four items checked out at one time and does not include use of the Library’s State Park Pass.
Library Director’s Cut: Certain films available on DVD or VHS formats which may contain adult language or themes, but are considered meritorious by the entertainment and/or viewing community (ascertained by reviews, awards, feedback by our library patrons, etc.), shall be designated as “Library Director’s Cut” with a sticker placed on the container and tape itself. These materials may be loaned only to individuals who have reached the age of 17 or older.
Lost or Damaged Materials:
Items not returned within three weeks of the due date will be declared lost. The full replacement cost of the item(s) will be charged to the patron’s account. If the lost item(s) is returned within one year of being declared lost, the patron will only be charged for the fines accrued on each item.
The Library charges for library materials damaged through neglect, or requiring cleaning before its next use. For items damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the material will be charged to the patron’s account.
The Library will accept a replacement copy for a lost or damaged item. The replacement copy must be identical to the original copy. The replacement copy must be in new or “like new” condition.
Library Cards:
- Gilpin County Public Library (GCPL) cards are free to anyone who lives in Gilpin County and to non-GCPL residents with a valid card from a library that participates in the Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC) program. Limited borrowing privileges may be extended in the form of a GUEST card to temporary residents.
- To obtain a library card, registrants must produce photo identification and proof of their current address.
- Acceptable forms of picture I.D.: driver’s license, passport, school I.D., or any other government-issued document showing a photo and borrower’s name.
- Acceptable forms for proof of address: driver’s license, checkbook, car registration, paystub (with address), mail with a current postmark, bill, mortgage or lease agreement, or any “official” document with borrower’s name and current address.
- All library cards are issued for a period of three years, and expire on the same day of the month as when they were issued. Cards can be renewed by contacting the library.
- Library cards are available to children under 14 with permission from a parent or guardian. The parent/guardian is responsible for the materials borrowed on their children’s library card.
- Young adults, aged 14 to 17, may have a library card without their parent or guardian’s permission and will be responsible for any materials borrowed.
- Patrons are responsible for contacting the library when their contact information has changed or if their card has been lost or stolen.
Rights of Library Patrons:
The Gilpin County Public Library makes its collections and services equally available to every member of the community the library serves, and a person’s right to use the library and its materials and services should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or point-of-view.
Loan Periods:
3-Week Loan Most books, audios, periodicals/magazines, and
pamphlets. DVDs of television series. Limit of three
renewals, if not on hold for another patron.
1-Week Loan Adult and children’s DVD movies and videotapes.
(same renewal policy as other library materials.)
Any library item that is checked out may be placed on reserve/hold at the request of a patron. Cardholders may have up to 20 holds at any one time, including any hold items waiting on the hold shelf for pickup. When the item is returned, it will be held at the desk for 7 days for the patron who placed the request. (Likewise, new books not yet added to the collection, or in process, may be placed on reserve/hold for a patron.)
Borrowing Limitations:
Library patrons may have up to 10 DVDs checked out at a time and up to 20 items in other formats checked out at a time.
Cardholders whose accounts show that they have lost or overdue items outstanding of $5.00 or greater will not be permitted to check out Library materials.
Gilpin County Public Library issues cards to individuals who desire to borrow our materials or access our services. The cards are issued in good faith and cardholders must accept and be bound by the rights and responsibilities outlined in our policies. The Gilpin County Public Library reserves the right to suspend privileges if library policies are abused or violated
GUEST card accounts are available for temporary residents. Borrowing privileges are limited to four items checked out at one time and does not include use of the Library’s State Park Pass.
Library Director’s Cut: Certain films available on DVD or VHS formats which may contain adult language or themes, but are considered meritorious by the entertainment and/or viewing community (ascertained by reviews, awards, feedback by our library patrons, etc.), shall be designated as “Library Director’s Cut” with a sticker placed on the container and tape itself. These materials may be loaned only to individuals who have reached the age of 17 or older.
Lost or Damaged Materials:
Items not returned within three weeks of the due date will be declared lost. The full replacement cost of the item(s) will be charged to the patron’s account. If the lost item(s) is returned within one year of being declared lost, the patron will only be charged for the fines accrued on each item.
The Library charges for library materials damaged through neglect, or requiring cleaning before its next use. For items damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the material will be charged to the patron’s account.
The Library will accept a replacement copy for a lost or damaged item. The replacement copy must be identical to the original copy. The replacement copy must be in new or “like new” condition.
General Collection:
The general collection includes adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction and reference works. Materials are purchased in other formats to meet the needs of the library’s users.
Responsibility for Selection:
Guidelines for Selection Based on Library Service Roles:
The collection guidelines related to service roles include:
Selection tools for materials include, but are not limited to:
Selection Criteria:
Criteria used in general for selection of library materials include, but are not limited to:
Criteria for Newspapers
Criteria for audio, compact disks, dvd, blue-ray, or other media resources:
Foreign Language Materials
Foreign language materials will be acquired as funding is available and as interest in the materials increases.
Library staff makes every effort to select materials that will appeal to the wide range of interests, points of view, and reading or viewing levels of those in the community. Colorado law prohibits discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, or ancestry in the selection, retention, display, use, or reconsideration of Library resources.
Concerns about Library Resources:
Individuals who would like to request the reconsideration of library material or resources may submit a “Request for Reconsideration” form provided by the library. Individuals making the request must reside in the service area of the Library District in which the request is made. Library material subject to a reconsideration request must remain in the library and available for patrons during the reconsideration process
Upon submission to the Library Director of a completed “Request for Reconsideration” form, the Director will conduct a staff review of the selection process and criteria, the objections raised, and the actions requested.
The Director will then submit a recommendation regarding the request for reconsideration form to the Library Board members so that the matter may be considered by the Board no later than its second meeting following receipt of the form. This form is not considered a user record; therefore, it is an open record under the “Colorado Open Records Act” and identifiers of the individual will not be redacted during the public meeting.
The Director will notify the person submitting the form of the time and place of the Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed and invite them to attend the meeting and provide a copy of the staff recommendation.
The Board’s action on the “Request for Reconsideration” is final. The Gilpin County Library District will not reconsider the same library resource more than once every five years.
- The Gilpin County Public Library collection is intended to serve the broad range of needs of the patrons who frequent the library, and therefore contains a variety of materials and formats to accommodate the users. The collection may contain original, critical and different ideas, any of which may not appeal to the entire community. The inclusion of an item is not to be considered an endorsement by the library. The library neither approves nor disapproves the views expressed in materials included in the collection. The library cannot exclude all materials that could result in mental or physical injury to some individual, since theoretically any material could be harmful to someone if improperly used.
- The library upholds the principal of free and open use for all. Materials in the collection are arranged in a way to facilitate access to the information. They are not marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of contents. Responsibility for the reading, viewing and listening of children and young adults rests with their parents or legal guardians.
- The library is opposed to the removal, at the request of any individual or group, of materials which have been chosen according to the materials selection policy. The Selection Policy will be used at all times to support the inclusion of materials to the collections.
- Residents of Gilpin County may question the presence of an item in the library’s collection by following the “Statement of Concern” process.
- The materials budget will be allocated to fulfill the library’s goals as stated in the Selection Policy. Funds will be allocated among the various collections to meet the mission and service goals of the library.
General Collection:
The general collection includes adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction and reference works. Materials are purchased in other formats to meet the needs of the library’s users.
Responsibility for Selection:
- The day-to-day work of evaluation and selection is the responsibility of the library director.
- Other library staff may be assigned subject areas for various collections by the director.
Guidelines for Selection Based on Library Service Roles:
- The library provides materials and services to help users obtain information to meet their personal, educational, and professional needs.
- Materials for preschool and school-aged children are chosen to foster a love for and interest in reading and learning.
- Materials representative of all areas of knowledge will be collected, if possible, to provide a broad range of subject matter.
- An even broader range of materials will be acquired to enhance the major service roles of the library.
The collection guidelines related to service roles include:
- Current Topics and Interests—the library will provide information about popular cultural and social trends and the desire for satisfying recreational experiences.
- General Information—the library will provide information on a broad array of topics related to work, school, and personal life.
- Cultural Awareness—the library will help the community’s residents to understand their own cultural heritage and the cultural heritage of others.
- Information Literacy—the library will provide services that help find, evaluate, and use information effectively.
- Local History—the library will offer a local history collection.
Selection tools for materials include, but are not limited to:
- Professional review journals and publishers’ catalogs.
- Reviews from the New York Times Book Review, area newspapers, and other periodicals will be considered.
- Patron requests are considered if the item meets the selection criteria and other collection development policies.
Selection Criteria:
Criteria used in general for selection of library materials include, but are not limited to:
- Fulfilling the library’s mission and service roles.
- Reputation of the author and or publisher.
- Anticipated use.
- Physical quality of the material.
- Suitability of format.
- Positive critical reviews.
- Timeliness or permanence of the work.
- Cost.
- Accuracy and authenticity of information presented.
Criteria for Newspapers
- Local major daily and weekly newspapers.
- Selected newspapers from the regional area.
Criteria for audio, compact disks, dvd, blue-ray, or other media resources:
- DVDs, blu-rays, audiocassettes, and CDs will be collected for entertainment and educational subject areas.
- All media formats are licensed for home use; it is the responsibility of the borrower to comply with public performance regulations.
Foreign Language Materials
Foreign language materials will be acquired as funding is available and as interest in the materials increases.
Library staff makes every effort to select materials that will appeal to the wide range of interests, points of view, and reading or viewing levels of those in the community. Colorado law prohibits discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, or ancestry in the selection, retention, display, use, or reconsideration of Library resources.
Concerns about Library Resources:
Individuals who would like to request the reconsideration of library material or resources may submit a “Request for Reconsideration” form provided by the library. Individuals making the request must reside in the service area of the Library District in which the request is made. Library material subject to a reconsideration request must remain in the library and available for patrons during the reconsideration process
Upon submission to the Library Director of a completed “Request for Reconsideration” form, the Director will conduct a staff review of the selection process and criteria, the objections raised, and the actions requested.
The Director will then submit a recommendation regarding the request for reconsideration form to the Library Board members so that the matter may be considered by the Board no later than its second meeting following receipt of the form. This form is not considered a user record; therefore, it is an open record under the “Colorado Open Records Act” and identifiers of the individual will not be redacted during the public meeting.
The Director will notify the person submitting the form of the time and place of the Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed and invite them to attend the meeting and provide a copy of the staff recommendation.
The Board’s action on the “Request for Reconsideration” is final. The Gilpin County Library District will not reconsider the same library resource more than once every five years.
The Gilpin County Public Library (GCPL) provides free access to the Internet and its resources for all library users. GCPL strives to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, educational, and recreational needs of our community. The Internet, as an information resource, enables GCPL to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It is within this context that GCPL offers access to the Internet.
GCPL does not censor access to materials or protect users from Internet-based information. The library does not filter, monitor, or control the content of the material accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its contents. GCPL believes that the reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents who guide and oversee their own children’s development. The Gilpin County Public Library does not intrude on that relationship, except when mandated by law.
GCPL champions the protection of personal privacy. GCPL will keep confidential all such information that it purposefully or inadvertently collects or maintains to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law.
Rules and Responsibilities for the Public:
Use of GCPL's equipment for the transmission, dissemination, and/or duplication of information must comply with federal and state laws. GCPL expects all users to comply with such laws, including but not limited to those related to copyright, computer hacking, and child pornography. Computer users will also refrain from any activity that unreasonably interferes with GCPL patron/staff comfort, safety, use or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the library.
The Gilpin County Public Library (GCPL) provides free access to the Internet and its resources for all library users. GCPL strives to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, educational, and recreational needs of our community. The Internet, as an information resource, enables GCPL to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It is within this context that GCPL offers access to the Internet.
GCPL does not censor access to materials or protect users from Internet-based information. The library does not filter, monitor, or control the content of the material accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its contents. GCPL believes that the reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents who guide and oversee their own children’s development. The Gilpin County Public Library does not intrude on that relationship, except when mandated by law.
GCPL champions the protection of personal privacy. GCPL will keep confidential all such information that it purposefully or inadvertently collects or maintains to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law.
- The Internet is not a secure medium. Email is not necessarily secure against interception.
- The Library does not monitor an individual's use of the Internet. Computer stations are programmed to delete the history of a user's Internet session at the end of every day.
- In accessing various Internet sites, please be conscious of others in your vicinity, particularly children.
- GCPL does not provide information about patrons' library records, use of other GCPL materials, or use of the Internet to law enforcement officials without an appropriate court order.
Rules and Responsibilities for the Public:
Use of GCPL's equipment for the transmission, dissemination, and/or duplication of information must comply with federal and state laws. GCPL expects all users to comply with such laws, including but not limited to those related to copyright, computer hacking, and child pornography. Computer users will also refrain from any activity that unreasonably interferes with GCPL patron/staff comfort, safety, use or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the library.
The Library welcomes the use of its meeting room by community groups in Gilpin County for civic, educational, and cultural activities and discussion of current events. The room is not available for purposes where, in the judgment of the library director, disorder and substantial disruption of the functioning of the Library are likely to occur. The rooms may not be used for purely social purposes or for regular business operations. Library programs, including fundraisers organized by the Friends of the Gilpin Library, will have first priority for use of the room.
The Library reserves the right to make fee determinations. No meeting room fee will be charged for the use of the meeting rooms by the following groups: 1) library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs; 2) government-related meetings, including Gilpin County Government, the State of Colorado, and the federal government, as well as elected officials at any of these levels of government; 4) nonprofit groups; (5) tutors offering one-on-one or family sessions.
For-profit businesses/organizations are charged a fee for use of the meeting rooms. Non-profit organizations and community groups that will be charging an admission fee, selling products, or fundraising within the confines of the meeting room are also charged a fee. The Library reserves the right to allow admission charges and/or the sale of products by any entity presenting a program sponsored by or with the Library.
Payment due on day of meeting/event:
$75 per 2-hour block, not to exceed $300 for full day.
The Library welcomes the use of its meeting room by community groups in Gilpin County for civic, educational, and cultural activities and discussion of current events. The room is not available for purposes where, in the judgment of the library director, disorder and substantial disruption of the functioning of the Library are likely to occur. The rooms may not be used for purely social purposes or for regular business operations. Library programs, including fundraisers organized by the Friends of the Gilpin Library, will have first priority for use of the room.
The Library reserves the right to make fee determinations. No meeting room fee will be charged for the use of the meeting rooms by the following groups: 1) library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs; 2) government-related meetings, including Gilpin County Government, the State of Colorado, and the federal government, as well as elected officials at any of these levels of government; 4) nonprofit groups; (5) tutors offering one-on-one or family sessions.
For-profit businesses/organizations are charged a fee for use of the meeting rooms. Non-profit organizations and community groups that will be charging an admission fee, selling products, or fundraising within the confines of the meeting room are also charged a fee. The Library reserves the right to allow admission charges and/or the sale of products by any entity presenting a program sponsored by or with the Library.
Payment due on day of meeting/event:
$75 per 2-hour block, not to exceed $300 for full day.
- The public must be welcome when no meeting room fee has been charged. If a meeting room fee has been charged, the group reserving the room may close the meeting to the public. Gatherings that pertain to internal Library/Government work-related activities are not open to the public.
- A reservation for the meeting room shall be made with the library director at least 24 hours prior to the desired time of use of the room. Cancellation of a reservation must be made to a library employee at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled use of the room.
- There will be no damage deposit, but individuals and groups will be responsible for the care of the meeting room. If there is noticeable damage, or if extra cleaning is necessary after the meeting room is used, the library director will assess a reasonable charge for the cost of repair of the building, or repair, cleaning, or replacement of furniture, fixtures, or equipment.
- An authorized member of the group must sign the meeting room reservation form. Reserving the room constitutes acceptance of the Library's meeting room usage policy.
- Posters, signs and other related items may not be attached to the walls or doors without prior approval of the library director, and these approved items must be removed at the conclusion of the meeting or program.
- Any publicity, including brochures, flyers, radio and TV announcements, newspaper ads, etc., must carry the name and phone number of the individual or organization sponsoring the meeting. The Library logo, website and phone number may not appear on the publicity. The Library may not be identified or implied as a sponsor. All publicity material must include the following disclaimer: "Use of Library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, group, or program by the Gilpin County Public Library."
- Light refreshments may be served if the kitchenette (range, microwave, refrigerator, sink and counter) is left in an orderly condition after use. No alcoholic beverages may be served. Each group shall provide its own serving utensils. The library will not provide storage of individuals’ or groups’ personal items.
- It is the group’s responsibility to leave the room clean and orderly. All waste materials, including leftover food, must be removed after meeting room use.
- Maximum capacity of the meeting room is fifty (50) persons.
- If audio/visual equipment is used, the user must arrange time to be trained on how to operate the equipment. It is not the responsibility of the Library staff to operate the equipment.
- Children's and youth groups may use the facility, provided that they are adequately supervised by adult sponsors.
- Any exceptions to this policy must be authorized by the library director, who may do so after consultation with the Library Board of Trustees.
The staff of the Gilpin County Public Library are happy you are visiting with us. We are concerned about the safety of all library users, especially children. We strive to make the library an enjoyable place to visit so that you, your family and friends will want to return many times.
Library staff members cannot, however, supervise children or function as substitute babysitters. Parents and responsible persons need to be as careful of their children’ safety in the library as they would be in a shopping mall or any other public building. Children can easily wander out the door, into parking lot or highway. They can be injured by swinging doors or by falls from furniture.
The Board of Trustees of the Gilpin County Public Library has, therefore, established the following policy on unattended children for the library:
It is the policy of the library to provide a safe and appropriate environment for library users of all ages. The library is, however, a public building with staff trained to provide public library services. The library is not equipped, nor is it the library’s role, to provide long-term or short-term day care for children of any age. Aside from the planned programs, services, and activities designed for specific age groups, the library’s staff is not responsible for supervising or tending to the needs of individual users or groups of users. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children in the library, whether or not the parents are present.
Accordingly, children under the age of 10 must always be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible childcare provider while in the library. If a child under the age of 10 is attending a library program or activity, the parent, guardian, or responsible childcare provider must remain in the immediate area throughout the program.
In general, parents of any minor children should not leave them unattended for long periods at the library. This is especially important in the evening. The library closes at 7 p.m. (Tuesday and Thursday), or at 6 p.m. (Wednesday and Friday), or at 2 p.m. (Saturday & Sunday), and children should be picked up no later than five minutes before closing time.
Special closing time procedures for unattended children, under 18 years of age:
The staff of the Gilpin County Public Library are happy you are visiting with us. We are concerned about the safety of all library users, especially children. We strive to make the library an enjoyable place to visit so that you, your family and friends will want to return many times.
Library staff members cannot, however, supervise children or function as substitute babysitters. Parents and responsible persons need to be as careful of their children’ safety in the library as they would be in a shopping mall or any other public building. Children can easily wander out the door, into parking lot or highway. They can be injured by swinging doors or by falls from furniture.
The Board of Trustees of the Gilpin County Public Library has, therefore, established the following policy on unattended children for the library:
It is the policy of the library to provide a safe and appropriate environment for library users of all ages. The library is, however, a public building with staff trained to provide public library services. The library is not equipped, nor is it the library’s role, to provide long-term or short-term day care for children of any age. Aside from the planned programs, services, and activities designed for specific age groups, the library’s staff is not responsible for supervising or tending to the needs of individual users or groups of users. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children in the library, whether or not the parents are present.
Accordingly, children under the age of 10 must always be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible childcare provider while in the library. If a child under the age of 10 is attending a library program or activity, the parent, guardian, or responsible childcare provider must remain in the immediate area throughout the program.
In general, parents of any minor children should not leave them unattended for long periods at the library. This is especially important in the evening. The library closes at 7 p.m. (Tuesday and Thursday), or at 6 p.m. (Wednesday and Friday), or at 2 p.m. (Saturday & Sunday), and children should be picked up no later than five minutes before closing time.
Special closing time procedures for unattended children, under 18 years of age:
- An attempt will be made to call the parents. If a parent is contacted, insist that the child be picked up immediately.
- If a parent cannot be reached, the sheriff’s department will be contacted, with the request that someone pick up the child.
- The librarian (or staff member) in charge, and one other staff member will remain in the building with the child until parent, guardian, or deputy arrives.
- A copy of the library policy on unattended children will be handed to the child’s parents, or to the child.
- Under no circumstances shall a staff member take a child out of the building, or offer the child a ride home.
The Gilpin County Public Library exists for the use and enjoyment of all members of the community. Interest and support from the public are greatly appreciated. Donations of material or money for the purchase of library materials, equipment or facility enhancement are welcomed, however, the library reserves the right to decide what material is accepted and the disposition of all donations.
Donations of Library Materials:
Donations of Equipment:
Memorial Donations:
Monetary Donations:
The Gilpin County Public Library exists for the use and enjoyment of all members of the community. Interest and support from the public are greatly appreciated. Donations of material or money for the purchase of library materials, equipment or facility enhancement are welcomed, however, the library reserves the right to decide what material is accepted and the disposition of all donations.
Donations of Library Materials:
- The library accepts donations of books and other library materials but reserves the right to evaluate and dispose of them in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased library materials.
- As a rule donated materials will not be accepted as payment for lost or damaged library material or fines. However, exact copy replacement of a lost or damaged item will be considered if the replacement copy is in new or near-new condition.
- Acknowledgement in the form of a receipt or note will be issued on the request of the donor. No dollar amount will be attached to the donation on the receipt or note, but simply the description (quantity and type of material) of the donation.
- Donations of library materials which do not meet the library’s objectives and policies will be refused.
- No conditions may be imposed on the library in its acceptance of any material for its collection.
- All donated material becomes the property of Gilpin County Public Library.
- The library does not pick up donated material or pay transportation costs.
- Material donations are accepted with the understanding that if the library cannot use them, the library may at any time dispose of them in any way it sees fit.
Donations of Equipment:
- The library will not accept donations of equipment unless the equipment satisfies a definite need or is necessary for the development of a program or establishment of a collection.
- All donated equipment becomes the property of Gilpin County Public Library.
- The library may pay transportation costs for donated equipment if the Library Director, after consulting the Library Board, deems it appropriate.
Memorial Donations:
- Many library users wish to make donations in the form of memorial books. The Library Director must approve the selection of titles.
- A letter of appreciation for the donation will be sent to the donor, and, if requested, to other family members. A memorial plate may be affixed to the item(s) if this is the desire of the donor.
Monetary Donations:
- Monetary donations are welcomed by the library. In order to ensure the donor’s intent is met, monetary donations should be made to the Library’s fundraising arm, the Friends of the Library. Receipts for monetary donations are issued by the library.
- Monetary donations can be allocated to the specific areas of the library collection, to equipment or to facility enhancement. The library reserves the right, however, to not accept a monetary donation if the request if for items deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for the library.
- Unallocated donations will be divided equally among the departments (adult collection, children’s area, videos, etc.). At the discretion of the Library Director, unallocated donations can be used for special projects for the enhancement of the collection, the purchase of equipment for public use, or the enhancement of the facility.
- Monetary donations are deemed to include any charges for the acquisitions, cataloging and processing of library items purchased with the donation.
- All donations for which the donor does not request anonymity will be acknowledged by the Library Director by letter or telephone call.
- When a prestigious donation is received, if the donor consents, appropriate publicity will be arranged. This results in favorable public relations and general goodwill.
Solicitation, advertising, promotion, vending, peddling or product sampling is not allowed. The Library District prohibits all such activities on Library property, as it may interfere with the use or enjoyment of the Library by Library patrons. The Gilpin County Public Library District does not endorse, sponsor or support products, services, persons or groups unless related to Library service or management.
The Library occasionally receives requests from patrons or staff to conduct or endorse fundraising events or to provide public space for donation collection boxes. The Gilpin County Public Library District does not sponsor nor endorse the fundraising activities of other organizations, although periodically the Library may cooperate with local community charitable groups or service clubs to support community endeavors.
The Gilpin County Public Library District offers a limited public forum for free speech activities. In order to ensure normal operations of the Library, we enforce the below guidelines related to free speech activities on our property:
Free speech activities include, but are not limited to petitioning, leafleting and/or campaign activities. Inside the building, free speech activities are only allowed in the meeting room subject to the Meeting Room Usage Policy. Such activities cannnot create a dangerous condition, interfere with access and use of the library, damage property or create unnecessary maintenance expense for the Library. Library walkways and grounds provide appropriate public places for the exercise of the right of free speech. Those exercising free speech rights outside the building will limit their numbers to two individuals and shall remain 15 feet away from the entrance doors.
Those exercising their free speech rights may not engage in the following activities or actions. Violations may result in the revocation of the right to utilize Library property:
Unmanned campaign posters, banners, yard signs and other outdoor displays (not sponsored by the Library District) shall not be posted, exhibited or left anywhere on Library District property. The Community Bulletin Board also may not be used for the display of political material. Such displays will be removed without notice and disposed of by Library personnel.
The Library District or other organizations/individuals may schedule political programs or debates to help inform voters about issues or candidates in an election. Appropriate campaign material literature may be distributed by the program/debate participants as part of the program or debate.
Solicitation, advertising, promotion, vending, peddling or product sampling is not allowed. The Library District prohibits all such activities on Library property, as it may interfere with the use or enjoyment of the Library by Library patrons. The Gilpin County Public Library District does not endorse, sponsor or support products, services, persons or groups unless related to Library service or management.
The Library occasionally receives requests from patrons or staff to conduct or endorse fundraising events or to provide public space for donation collection boxes. The Gilpin County Public Library District does not sponsor nor endorse the fundraising activities of other organizations, although periodically the Library may cooperate with local community charitable groups or service clubs to support community endeavors.
The Gilpin County Public Library District offers a limited public forum for free speech activities. In order to ensure normal operations of the Library, we enforce the below guidelines related to free speech activities on our property:
Free speech activities include, but are not limited to petitioning, leafleting and/or campaign activities. Inside the building, free speech activities are only allowed in the meeting room subject to the Meeting Room Usage Policy. Such activities cannnot create a dangerous condition, interfere with access and use of the library, damage property or create unnecessary maintenance expense for the Library. Library walkways and grounds provide appropriate public places for the exercise of the right of free speech. Those exercising free speech rights outside the building will limit their numbers to two individuals and shall remain 15 feet away from the entrance doors.
Those exercising their free speech rights may not engage in the following activities or actions. Violations may result in the revocation of the right to utilize Library property:
- Hindering, impeding or blocking the passage of Library patrons, employees or visitors;
- Continuing to impose upon, follow, shout at or against, mark for approach by others or otherwise press an issue after having been advised of the patron’s, employee’s or visitor’s lack of interest or opposing viewpoint and desire to be left alone;
- Surrounding or making serial approaches to a patron, employee or visitor;
- Inciting or promoting arguments with or among Library patrons, employees or visitors;
- Inciting or promoting imminent acts of violence;
- Presenting, imposing or otherwise impressing upon patrons, employees or visitors obscene materials or materials;
- Failure to abide by the restrictions placed on charging an admission fee, selling products, or fundraising, as stated in the Meeting Room Usage Policy.
Unmanned campaign posters, banners, yard signs and other outdoor displays (not sponsored by the Library District) shall not be posted, exhibited or left anywhere on Library District property. The Community Bulletin Board also may not be used for the display of political material. Such displays will be removed without notice and disposed of by Library personnel.
The Library District or other organizations/individuals may schedule political programs or debates to help inform voters about issues or candidates in an election. Appropriate campaign material literature may be distributed by the program/debate participants as part of the program or debate.
We value our customers and strive to treat them with courtesy and respect in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our Library reflects our community and the people who use it. Please be considerate of the rights of others as you use this public facility.
The Gilpin County Public Library Board of Trustees has established the following Rules of Conduct so that library users and staff have a clean, pleasant and safe environment. We appreciate your cooperation in meeting this goal.
The following are prohibited at the Gilpin County Public Library:
The Gilpin County Public Library reserves the right to deny use of its facilities and premises to individuals who do not abide by the Rules of Conduct. Our staff may ask individuals who are exhibiting inappropriate behavior to modify their behavior. Non-compliance and/or repeated violations may result in expulsion from the library, police intervention, and/or legal action.
We value our customers and strive to treat them with courtesy and respect in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our Library reflects our community and the people who use it. Please be considerate of the rights of others as you use this public facility.
The Gilpin County Public Library Board of Trustees has established the following Rules of Conduct so that library users and staff have a clean, pleasant and safe environment. We appreciate your cooperation in meeting this goal.
The following are prohibited at the Gilpin County Public Library:
- Engaging in any activity prohibited by law
- Disruptive or unsafe behavior, including any conduct that interferes with the use or operations of the library by customers or staff
- Theft
- Use of loud, abusive, threatening or insulting language, either in person or via electronic devices
- Harassment of any kind
- Taking photographs or videos of library users without their permission
- Abandoning or leaving young children unattended
- Viewing obscene or pornographic images
- Public intoxication
- Activities that may result in damage to library property
- Sleeping
- Smoking (including e-cigarettes and vapes)
- Objectionable body odor
- Unauthorized use of a library card
- Using restrooms for bathing, laundering or extended personal hygiene care
- Leaving personal items unattended
- Entering the library barefoot or without a shirt, or removing footwear or shirt while in the Library
- Bringing in concealed weapons not legally licensed and permitted, or the open carry of any firearm or handgun except by law enforcement officials
- Unauthorized solicitation
- Animals, other than service animals
The Gilpin County Public Library reserves the right to deny use of its facilities and premises to individuals who do not abide by the Rules of Conduct. Our staff may ask individuals who are exhibiting inappropriate behavior to modify their behavior. Non-compliance and/or repeated violations may result in expulsion from the library, police intervention, and/or legal action.
Gilpin County Public Library (GCPL) is dedicated to providing a welcoming, pleasant, and safe environment for all. Library users are encouraged to use GCPL’s resources and services and to participate in Library programs. Users are required to follow the library’s Rules of Conduct while visiting the facility.
When a Rules of Conduct violation occurs, patrons shall receive a verbal warning and/or an order to leave for the day. If the behavior continues, GCPL staff may ban any individual who repeatedly violates the library’s Rules of Conduct. Any individuals violating these rules or disrupting library service may be temporarily or permanently banned from library premises. The library reserves the right to permanently ban individuals for egregious offenses like assault.
Banning Procedure:
When Library staff determines that an individual should be banned for engaging in behavior that is severe, egregious, illegal, threatening, and/or inappropriate, threatens the safety of others, or repeatedly violates the library’s Rules of Conduct, the following procedures will apply:
Gilpin County Public Library (GCPL) is dedicated to providing a welcoming, pleasant, and safe environment for all. Library users are encouraged to use GCPL’s resources and services and to participate in Library programs. Users are required to follow the library’s Rules of Conduct while visiting the facility.
When a Rules of Conduct violation occurs, patrons shall receive a verbal warning and/or an order to leave for the day. If the behavior continues, GCPL staff may ban any individual who repeatedly violates the library’s Rules of Conduct. Any individuals violating these rules or disrupting library service may be temporarily or permanently banned from library premises. The library reserves the right to permanently ban individuals for egregious offenses like assault.
Banning Procedure:
When Library staff determines that an individual should be banned for engaging in behavior that is severe, egregious, illegal, threatening, and/or inappropriate, threatens the safety of others, or repeatedly violates the library’s Rules of Conduct, the following procedures will apply:
- Library staff will, in consultation with the Library Director, determine the length and extent of the ban, based on the severity of the behavior/conduct.
- Library staff will give a written banning notice to the individual involved, stating the reason for and length of the ban and a copy of GCPL’s Rules of Conduct.
- Library staff may contact appropriate law enforcement for assistance.
- Library staff will send a notice regarding the circumstances of the ban, to the parents/caregivers of juveniles/individuals who are banned from the library. The notice will be mailed to the address on file.
- Individuals have the right to appeal a ban with a letter to the Library Board. The letter must be written within the banning period or within thirty (30) days of the issue date of a long-term or permanent ban. The letter must be mailed to the library and addressed to the Library Board. Upon receiving the letter, the Library Board will consider the request at their next scheduled meeting. The ban shall be enforced until the Library Board has decided on the appeal.
- Banned individuals may return to the library when the term of the ban expires. They will be required to adhere to GCPL’s Rules of Conduct upon their return.
- If a banned individual enters the facility before the return date, law enforcement will be called and the individual may be arrested for trespass. The length of the ban may be extended at that time.
The Gilpin County Public Library District provides the community with two spaces to post or display information. The Community Bulletin Board is used primarily for promoting civic, cultural, and educational events within the community. The General Information Bulletin Board consists of local information and advertisements.
The Gilpin County Public Library District is interested in assisting patrons in finding information concerning topics of local interest. Based on the criteria listed in this policy, all items must be approved by the Library Director or designee before posting. Items posted without permission will be removed. Due to limited space, GCPL reserves the right to remove items from display at any time. No material will be returned.
Community Bulletin Board:
Materials should not exceed 11”x17” in size. Library or government sponsored events will be given first priority on available space. Acceptable items include but are not limited to:
General Information Bulletin Board:
Materials should not exceed 8.5”x11” in size. Local area patron and business information will be given first priority on available space. Acceptable items include but are not limited to:
Permission to post an item does not constitute an endorsement by the GCPL Board of Trustees or Library District. Political material and religious tracts do not meet our display criteria and will be removed without notice. The brochure rack located near the General Information Bulletin Board is for educational and informational materials provided by federal, state, and local agencies. All posted items must be in keeping with the mission and values of the Library and should be of benefit to the community.
The Gilpin County Public Library District provides the community with two spaces to post or display information. The Community Bulletin Board is used primarily for promoting civic, cultural, and educational events within the community. The General Information Bulletin Board consists of local information and advertisements.
The Gilpin County Public Library District is interested in assisting patrons in finding information concerning topics of local interest. Based on the criteria listed in this policy, all items must be approved by the Library Director or designee before posting. Items posted without permission will be removed. Due to limited space, GCPL reserves the right to remove items from display at any time. No material will be returned.
Community Bulletin Board:
Materials should not exceed 11”x17” in size. Library or government sponsored events will be given first priority on available space. Acceptable items include but are not limited to:
- Fundraising events sponsored by nonprofit groups or organizations
- Civic, educational, religious or recreational events
- Notices of events sponsored by established cultural groups
General Information Bulletin Board:
Materials should not exceed 8.5”x11” in size. Local area patron and business information will be given first priority on available space. Acceptable items include but are not limited to:
- Advertisements selling or giving away items or services by individuals
- Any business or for profit advertising, including free services
- Garage/yard sale notices as well as lost animal notices
Permission to post an item does not constitute an endorsement by the GCPL Board of Trustees or Library District. Political material and religious tracts do not meet our display criteria and will be removed without notice. The brochure rack located near the General Information Bulletin Board is for educational and informational materials provided by federal, state, and local agencies. All posted items must be in keeping with the mission and values of the Library and should be of benefit to the community.
The purpose of the reserves policy is to establish and maintain reserves to meet the goals of the Gilpin County Library District. The District’s philosophy is to support fiscal sustainability as the first priority while also building funds for future needs. Adequate fund balance/net asset levels are crucial in long-term financial planning.
Reserve funds shall be identified as restricted, capital, emergency or unobligated reserves.
Restricted Reserves are amounts subject to externally enforceable legal restrictions and may consist of:
Capital Reserves are resources whose use is constrained by a limitation that a government imposes upon itself at its highest decision-making level. The decision to classify funds as capital reserves requires approval by the Board of Trustees. Examples of committed reserves include:
Emergency Reserves are resources set aside to maintain continuity of service when faced with major failures in the facilities’ infrastructure or during economic downturns. Examples include:
Unobligated Reserves are amounts that are not placed into any other reserve category listed above.
The purpose of the reserves policy is to establish and maintain reserves to meet the goals of the Gilpin County Library District. The District’s philosophy is to support fiscal sustainability as the first priority while also building funds for future needs. Adequate fund balance/net asset levels are crucial in long-term financial planning.
Reserve funds shall be identified as restricted, capital, emergency or unobligated reserves.
Restricted Reserves are amounts subject to externally enforceable legal restrictions and may consist of:
- State-mandated reserves, such as TABOR reserve requirements
- Funds specifically mandated for debt service
- Future legal requirements which may be placed on the library district
Capital Reserves are resources whose use is constrained by a limitation that a government imposes upon itself at its highest decision-making level. The decision to classify funds as capital reserves requires approval by the Board of Trustees. Examples of committed reserves include:
- Funds for future major maintenance and improvements based on a detailed replacement schedule (Technology Replacement Plan, etc.)
- Other funds restricted by the Board of Trustees
Emergency Reserves are resources set aside to maintain continuity of service when faced with major failures in the facilities’ infrastructure or during economic downturns. Examples include:
- Loss of tax revenue due to a pandemic, recession, or other event with a negative economic impact.
- An unforeseen failure of a major component of the Library building (roof, cistern, flooding caused by faulty plumbing, etc.)
Unobligated Reserves are amounts that are not placed into any other reserve category listed above.
- Restricted Reserves shall be set at 3% of the current fiscal year’s spending as mandated by the state.
- Capital Reserves contributions shall be set at 15% of the current fiscal year’s budgeted spending.
- Emergency Reserves contributions shall be set at 10% of the current fiscal year’s budgeted spending.
- Unobligated Reserves can be used for future projects and improvements with approval from the Board of Trustees.
Gilpin County Library District is committed to providing equitable access to library resources and services, mindful of accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. We are committed to selecting and acquiring whenever possible, those resources and technologies that are accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access for our patrons.
Gilpin County Library District is committed to ensuring that its web pages comply with WCAG 2.2 AA, published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). These guidelines not only help make technology accessible to users with sensory, cognitive, and mobility disabilities but ultimately to all users, regardless of ability. Please note that certain files available for download from this website are Portable Document Format (PDF) files that require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Please note that this site may link to third-party websites or documents that are not accessible. While we cannot control the accessibility of content provided by third parties, when possible we will work with our third-party vendor to increase the availability of accessible content. We are happy to assist any member of the public with reading and accessing content on our site.
We are continually striving to improve the experience for all our patrons and visitors. We welcome comments on how to improve our services and resources, including those online. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers or have an accommodation request for any of our services and resources. Gilpin County Library District is committed to responding within five business days to all inquiries.
Gilpin County Library District Accessibility Requests and Questions
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (303) 582-0161
Gilpin County Library District is committed to providing equitable access to library resources and services, mindful of accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. We are committed to selecting and acquiring whenever possible, those resources and technologies that are accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access for our patrons.
Gilpin County Library District is committed to ensuring that its web pages comply with WCAG 2.2 AA, published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). These guidelines not only help make technology accessible to users with sensory, cognitive, and mobility disabilities but ultimately to all users, regardless of ability. Please note that certain files available for download from this website are Portable Document Format (PDF) files that require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Please note that this site may link to third-party websites or documents that are not accessible. While we cannot control the accessibility of content provided by third parties, when possible we will work with our third-party vendor to increase the availability of accessible content. We are happy to assist any member of the public with reading and accessing content on our site.
We are continually striving to improve the experience for all our patrons and visitors. We welcome comments on how to improve our services and resources, including those online. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers or have an accommodation request for any of our services and resources. Gilpin County Library District is committed to responding within five business days to all inquiries.
Gilpin County Library District Accessibility Requests and Questions
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (303) 582-0161